Randy Rake
Diastre of the Darkwood

Satyr Grump
Silver Screeners


Mortal Seeming: ~Randy Rake saunters onto the scene. By Jove, does this man swing. The mid- to late-20something African-American walks upbeat and up river, and he’s brought his own paddle, baby. The player wears loose-fitting cotton pants that look like they might fall off his waist at any moment. If he wears shoes, bedroom slippers are about it. A wifebeater or polo shirt, depending on mood, is drawn over his broad chest and shoulders and wiry arms. A few choice tattoos may be spotted. Randy keeps his hair trimmed short to his dark-brown scalp – there’s some safety rule about that. The grin on his grill is reflected in the glitter of his earthy-brown eyes. He’s a man of the people, that’s for sure. There’s no doubting it, if you’ve ever seen any of his countless “sleazy-yet-tasteful” adult films!~

OOC: Appearance 3; Fame 3

Fae Mien: ~The energy and optimism evident in his mortal disguise does not dissipate despite signs of Grumpdom. Randy Rake’s mortal attire is replaced with a loincloth of well-treated leather. It barely conceals his masculinity. Thankfully, thick black fur pretty much covers that job, from waist to foot – rather, to cloven hooves of polished ebony. As he clops forward, the lean Satyr of African-American descent can’t help but pose as if expecting the glitter and glamour of a film festival. His short hair has lengthened to a robust bush on his head. From that afro sprout two impressive ebony horns that jut up and curl back like…well, you know damn well what they look like. Everything about the man screams phallus and virility. He’s an embodiment of wet dreams. The twinkle in his brown eyes flashes awareness of that nature, and nothing but joy and accession.~

OOC: Appearance 3; Fame 3

"The wetter, the better!"



Even in 1977, San Diego, California, was known as an enclave of wealth and professional success in the Golden State. Randall Landon was born to Marvin and Marie, their only child. Marvin was a doctor and Marie a law clerk working her way through law school -- Randy had it set from a young age. His parents turned him out relatively normal, too. He attended public school, where he consistently scored As and Bs in every subject. His parents dragged him to church every Sunday.

Yeah, Randy was fitted to be a normal boy. One day, he’d be captain of the basketball team and prom king and then onto college, where he’d have to dodge temptations to commit date rape and focus on a major through the haze of booze, and eventually squeeze out a career and family and the whole nine. He would have been, were it not for another characteristic of his personality. This was one trait his parents did not know about.

From the age of 11, Randy Landon was sexually active. Eleven. He became the proud owner of genital warts by age 12 (he got them treated discreetly). Randy really was proud though despite how nasty that was. An attractive youth, he had no trouble alluring girls. Every conquest of a fellow schoolgirl not only increased Randy’s confidence, it gave him an indescribable rush as if it were the best drug ever. And it wasn’t really the conquest, or even the sex. There was something else, and he didn’t quite yet understand.

O Yeah

Finally, when he was fifteen, he attended a "sex party". Everyone that showed up got laid (though not everyone was invited, of course). Randy’s romp with a young girl who teasingly went by the nickname of O instigated the Chrysalis. Randy had never before experienced such glorious passion (and it was quite something for O as well; she never had sex with a young changeling in the midst of his Chrysalis, and it changed her into a seeker-of-Chrysalis-sex). At the moment of their mutual peak, with all the other teenagers at the party looking on, Randy’s eyes were torn open. He saw his true Pan-like nature, as well as the Satyress whose legs he was spreading.

And it only inspired his lust. He set into O even more vigorously, and their sex continued long after the party ended. She happily took the new faun under wing and taught him the changeling ways. His introduction to the local Kithain was upbeat and welcomed. When he demonstrated to a few Grumps that he knew the Escheat and other ways, he underwent a brief Naming ceremony in a toga party fashion. There he adopted the “changeling” name of Randy Rake – a moniker that would stick later. Randy and O also became inseparable at school, though rumors spread like wildfire about their proclivities, thereby ending any hopes Randy’s parents might have had for him to be class valedictorian.

Nevertheless, he finished high school. Through O, Randy met another Satyress, a slightly older one who had mentored O. She went by the name of Missy Lake, evoking images of the girl-next-door and frolic at lakeside getaways. The evocation was intentional -- that was her “stage name”. She was in the porn industry.


Through Missy, Randy immediately joined the business. He was brought in with her “responsible principles” in mind: safe sex chief among them. With Missy’s help, Randy’s career in pornography took off. His parents never disowned him, but their disappointment was felt in their lack of communications once he shared his future plans. Oh well. He was doing what he loved: girls!

And by “girls”, it had to be clarified that they were 18 or older. Randy not only required it, he double-checked it. It wasn’t that he agreed that 18 was a magic number (indeed, science proved decades ago that the human body wasn’t completely mature until well into the 20s), but that people needed to learn that there was such a thing as “too young”. So, eighteen was as good an arbitrary number as any other. Together, he and Missy proved instrumental in leading the charge for cleaning up the porn industry. The exchange of STDs in particular saw a severe drop, at least in the studios where Randy worked. There wasn’t much he could do about porn being made south of the border except spread awareness through documentaries, narration, and the occasional public speech.

Once in awhile, “safe sex” included more than condom use. Randy and Missy parted ways professionally (and amenably). In 2002, he set up his own studio and production company in San Francisco, entitled HornDogs AdultVision. The studios’ films were critically acclaimed (as much as hardcore porn films generally can be) and his career was at last in its highest stage of success. At this peak, he attracted some of the sexiest girls and most sought-after studs in the game. Randy made them all even more famous, combining his filming vision with a fundamental Internet savvy.

The Man of Men

Such success drew the attentions of an undesirable element. No, not Republicans! They were some of his biggest customers! No, HA was hounded by a disgusting serial rapist who would kidnap his starlettes and hurt them bad. Furious, Randy spared no expense in tracking the bastard down. Not only did he have the cops and PIs after this monster, he employed a shrewd Sluagh who asked to be paid only in the original tape reels of a film Randy made years back that involved a prison rape scene. Though a bizarre request, the Satyr consented and parted with the tape. With Soothsay and other strange arts, the Crawler led Randy personally to the den of the rapist (who was only human – they have plenty of their own monsters) with his latest victim. Randy didn’t know the girl; she was a local prostitute and not in his employment. Nevertheless, disgust overwhelmed the faun. The rapist wasn’t even aware of the two changelings’ trespass. That enabled Randy to lay a terrible curse on the coward. He filled the bastard’s heart with emotions and passions that were not naturally his own.

Now, some might be filled with the retributive desire to force regret and remorse on such a thug, to drive him to reconciliation or even suicide. Nothing so cliché would suffice for Randy. No, trite and silly was more than this rapist deserved. So instead, Randy filled the rapist with the urge to perform fellatio on himself. The middle-aged fool broke his neck in the attempt.

But besides that blip, Randy’s productions proved a commercial and critically acclaimed success. For many more years, he earned quite the reputation and bank. Everyone that made or even watched porn had heard his name. Randy Rake was right up there with John Holmes and Ron Jeremy. All hail, poontang!


Randy tends to have past life faerie memories only after he orgasms (which is virtually at will). The altered state of consciousness seems to do the trick. Then he can recall back almost 200 years. He was always a horn dog even for a Satyr in his past lives, as far as he could recall!


Randy keeps only a few trustworthy pornographic film industry technicians close. Both are photographers and some of the best in the trade. They love to work with Randy because whether directing or starring, he often bows to their opinions or whims on special shots. Little do they know that he’s cultivating them for their Glamour. However, Reverie is satisfactory for Randy with these two. They’re off-limits for Ravaging. Their names are Heath Yard and Meredith Jacobs (Meredith is a guy, he just got stuck with a name now used only for girls. There’s bound to be some gender confusion in porno!)


Girls, girls, girls. Every guy has his favorites, even Randy Rake. These two are a little less superficial and Banal than so most, and so Randy likes to keep their company (often enjoying an orgy with Eriko as well). Their names are Coffee Minx (Jamaican-American) and Sally High (quintessential blond farm girl from Indiana). They aren’t always kept Enchanted. When it wears off and the Mists set in, they just chalk it up to their lives of wanton pleasure. They do smoke pot and do other “light” street drugs (like XTC) after all.

Bunk Styles

Style: Eclectic Sorcery
Examples: Write a screenplay, apply cologne, have the best sex yet

Significant Other

New Year’s Eve of 2004 and Randy’s first production debut was a grand party, as big and wild as any Beltane party. That’s where he first met Eriko Shimizu, “Bukkake Queen of Osaka”. She was in the States to begin working on an American-made bukkake film and dropped by the party because…well, everyone who is anyone was there! Randy had already fantasized about working with a Japanese starlette. It required no “seduction” to hop in the sack with Eriko. The two began to make beautifully filthy movies together. Almost a decade later, Eriko still has a few more years of work left in her (the benefit of being Asian and looking “young” that much longer). But soon she will retire and with Randy’s help, produce and direct at his side.



Level: 1
Origin: Randy was given this toy by a fellow Satyr in the porn business. She passed it on as a retirement gift as she decided to pursue a different lifestyle.
Description: It’s a supersized (14”) violet rubber dildo. That’s violet, not violent! Although...
Effects: What do you think? Actually, it's heavy enough to be used as a makeshift club.
Glamour Costs: Dildo: 0
Activation: Uhhh…well, it doesn’t need a battery, if that’s what this field means.

Horny Little Devil

Yeah, umm. Though Randy is conscientious about the dark side of the industry, and has done his part to clean up STDs and child pornography, he’s still a horn dog Satyr. He’ll do virtually anything (except a kid).

Likelihood of Corruption


Randy’s industry isn’t as “wicked” as the bible-thumping conservatives would have us believe. Nevertheless, he’s still neck-deep in poontang, drugs, and other luxuries. Neck-deep and lovin’ it! If he lets his guard down, he could get himself infected with something far worse than herpes.


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