Jeniffer Billings
Lorida of the Dionysian Grove

Satyr Wilder
Volo Diem Trago


Mortal Seeming: ~This package is wrapped in the most stylish garments on the market, her impulsive youth and keen fashion sense combining to create avant-garde trans-Atlantic style. Jeniffer Billings likes earthy-toned garments that highlight her chestnut-brown hair and matching bright eyes. Jewelry leans towards gold and gems like garnet and bedecks her neck, wrists, fingers, toes, ankles, upper arms, navel, and her earlobes more than once. The woman seems to be climbing her early 20s at most, and she's filled with unbridled energy, a languid air, and a rustic charm that accompanies a warm, full-lipped smile. Jennie can brag about a great body: she has the long legs of a model and the shapely hips of a healthy athlete or dancer. Regardless of the brand name or material of her garments, Jennie enjoys clothes that emphasize but do not cling to her curves. Her hairstyle varies from day to day, always complimenting her attire and the light (and real) skin tan she boasts. Despite her sensible and fashionable look, Jeniffer radiates more than a common charm. The sparkle in her eyes, the faint crook to her grin, even the subtle scent of the perfume she wears all stokes the young woman's sex appeal.~

OOC: Appearance 3; Style 2; Animal Magnetism

Fae Mien: ~The sex appeal Jeniffer radiated in her seeming virtually oozes in her true form. Sultry pleasures and lusty Mediterranean evenings come to mind when the Satyress viewed without her mortal garb. She seems as easygoing as can be, brimming with lackadaisical contentment. Her stylish clothing is replaced with a simple, single garment: a black suede vest that provides modesty for her upper torso. Linked to the vest by a looping golden chain is a sheathed curved dagger, the pommel decorated with a blood-red garnet stone. Her lower body is covered in downy-soft fur, well-groomed and sleek. This swarthy fur compliments her tanned skin and her hair, which now possesses even more of a natural bounce. Jennie's feet become charcoal black cloven hooves and from her forehead poke two tiny, straight horns only a couple inches in length, also charcoal black. She allows a suggestive smirk to accompany her alluring, husky voice. Jennie's got it goin' on. Just because you want some doesn't mean you get some.~

OOC: Appearance 3; Animal Magnetism

"Hey baby, wanna ride?"



Jeniffer Billings became the first and only child of the Marker family in 1985. Jeb and Kelly Marker ran a small farm in the prairie outskirts of Kansas City, Kansas. There Jennie spent her first few years of life, proving to be a handful as a wild, moody, and often lazy little girl. In the seventh year of her life, a freak natural occurrence at the farm marked Jeniffer for life in several ways. Hobo spiders suddenly exploded in population around the Marker fields, killing all the livestock and bankrupting her parents. They couldn't afford anything anymore, even with welfare, and had no choice but to give Jeniffer up to the foster care system.

And that was how Jennie became a Billings under the care of Robert and Janice. She lived in the suburbs of Kansas City thereafter, maintaining some contact with her real parents. Jennie came to love her foster folks though, for they treated her well. Sure, they were hard workers and thus often tired from their jobs and uninspirational. Janice at least taught her how to sew and knit, enabling Jennie to complete various designs, mending and even creating her own clothes.

Jeniffer found inspiration outside of home at least. She took gymnastics and then modern dance. In middle and later high school, Jennie became a cheerleader and participated in every talent show of every year. Her dancing was complimented with the fact that she usually designed and made her own costumes. Her art teacher, Miss Ginger Deline, encouraged and aided Jennie throughout her schooling. The two grew closer as Jennie spent more time with her after school, working on her designs with the school's better sewing equipment. Miss Deline was a very charismatic and charming teacher, an innovative thinker fresh out of college. That was probably why Jennie liked hanging out with her despite that she was a teacher.

Dream Dance & Chrysalis

Starting when she was about 14 and a freshman in high school, Jeniffer began to experience unusual things. For one, she noticed a pair of "blemishes" sprouting on her forehead and no matter what she did, they never went away. Outraged at the "damage to her complexion", Jeniffer visited dermatologists, but nothing they prescribed could help. She assumed they were just pimples and the doctors didn't really notice anything out of whack.

But a bigger change came when she closed her eyes to go to sleep. Jennie was haunted almost nightly by the same dream. She envisioned herself as running naked through the woods, fleeing some sex-craved madman. She managed to always just stay ahead of the predator but could never completely leave him behind. The dream was a closely guarded secret. In fact, she conferred with only Miss Deline about it. She was her best friend, after all. Miss Deline listened well and promised to help, but it would take a little while.

So for months, Jennie lost more and more sleep over this recurrent nightmare. Finally, Miss Deline suggested Jennie come visit her at her apartment loft in the city. There Ginger pulled all the stops, easily seducing the sixteen year old into bed. Though Jeniffer wasn't a virgin, she'd never been with another woman, and Ginger was more than another woman. The Satyress gave Jennie the night of her life, stirring the primal passions in Jennie's own heart and helping her realize her true nature: she, too, was a Satyr!

The Chrysalid was, of course, shocked by the visions she now had of their true miens and the chimerae of the Dreaming world around them. But Ginger promised to guide Jennie through it all. So their friendship deepened into the bond of a mentor/fledgling relationship (with, uhhh, benefits).

Mentorship & Saining

Fortunately, Jeniffer's Chrysalis took place at the end of the spring and the last semester of her school year. She took the summer off and spent it with Ginger for a glorious tutelage in the faerie ways. Jennie learned all about the Escheat and the history of Satyrs. Ginger took Jennie around town, letting the Chrysalid meet other changelings and enjoy life on the town.

By the end of summer, Jennie was ready to be Sained. Ginger summoned an old Troll Thane who knew the ways of naming for this cherished event. Through the formal ceremony, Jennie was recognized as an adult in Seelie society. A great revel was thrown in her honor and many faeries attended. Jennie had quite a rampant evening, suffice to say. Ginger made sure the young Satyress didn't shy away from sexuality.


After her Saining, Jennie continued high school. She spent equal time in school and having fun with other fae. That didn't leave her much time to family and "normal" friends, but that was all right. She was balancing herself well enough against both the tides of Bedlam and Banality.

However, Ginger couldn't say the same. Jennie watched in horror as her mentor went off the deep end. Everyone in school just thought the art teacher had a nervous breakdown, but Jennie knew Ginger was losing herself in too much Glamour. She harvested too many Dreamers and basked in too much power. The maddened faun wreaked havoc with all the nightmarish chimerae she birthed. Unsure what to do -- call other fae or call the men in white jackets, Jennie watched helplessly. Next thing anyone knew, Ginger was gone. She suspected her teacher slipped into the Deep Dreaming and was possibly gone forever. But she feared Ginger would return madder than ever.

So Jeniffer was glad to graduate high school and move onto the next stage of her life: college! She achieved scholarships to Kansas City University and felt safe in the area. So she began to go to school on grants and scholarships and loans. Unfortunately, she still couldn't afford it. Like most college students, she had to find at least a part-time job to help fund her education.

Unlike most young women, Jennie didn't want to wait tables or answer telephones. She took the skills she was best at and danced. Except, of course, the only real dancing job she could get right away was exotic. Jeniffer started stripping and found it was good money and she could keep herself in shape and at the top of her game. Now she just had to figure out just what she was going to college for. Already a sophomore, Jeniffer Billings still didn't even have a major.


Jeniffer recalls only bits and bobs from her previous incarnations as well as the Dreaming and Arcadia itself. These brief visions come most frequently when she's laid back with good food, good music, good friends, and good times. When she feels so lucid, her memory provides deeper insight. Jennie connects often with previous lives in medieval France where she lived as a midwife and was burnt at the stake for witchcraft and also in ancient Rome, where she was a pleasure girl for gladiators. So far, she's only gleaned glimpses of these lives and times.


Level: 1
Origin: Jeniffer Chrysalized with this knife and as far as she can tell, it's always been in her possession. She figures it's her last line of defense when her charms fail. She hasn't named it.
Description: This dagger seems crafted of fine steel with the pommel wrapped in soft doe skin. The bottom is capped with a faceted blood-red garnet. The scabbard is heartier leather and emblazoned with a strange fey sigil no one yet has recognized. This suggests some sort of affiliation in the past. The blade is curved slightly like an Arabic jambiya, and so unfit for accurate throwing. But this gives it a keener edge and able to better parry and disarm opponents. Of course, Jennie has to remember how to use it better!
Effects: It's just a dagger.
Glamour Costs: Dagger: 0; #1: 0
Activation: Pointy end goes into bad guy.

Bunk Styles

Style: Social Butterfly
Examples: Sensuous dance, seductive ploy, deliver a kiss, apply perfume, have the best sex yet

Significant Other

Jeniffer met Tuesday McGrath at the Loose Lips Lounge in February of 2006…where they both work as strip tease dancers. She encountered Tuesday's pet lizard friend, Larry, and soon kenned his owner for what she was -- a fellow Satyress! Not only that, Jennie discovered that Tuesday was also a college sophomore at KCU. The pair hit it off, enjoying the things they had in common and the things that were different. Jennie hopes the other Satyress will help provide some direction for herself, for she scarcely wants to be labeled as a lost cause sex fiend Satyr. She's smarter than that. She's got more potential than that. Can Tuesday help her realize it?


Big Tease

Jennie loves to flirt and tease men and women alike. With her sexy allure, Jennie doesn't realize how much she aggravates others sometimes. It could get her deep trouble someday.

Likelihood of Corruption


Though Jeniffer doesn't look for trouble or shady things, but her lifestyle as an exotic dancer can place her in questionable situations.


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