Theodoric "Terry" Goddard
Luder of the Consonant Hostels

Boggan Grump
Manager of the Scarlet Lily Company


Height: 5'7"
Weight: 184 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Short simple brown
Clothing: Navy-blue business casual
Comportment/Cadence: Welcoming
Distinctions: Portly well-to-do gentleman in his 30s
Supernatural Qualities: none
Accoutrements: Light masculine jewelry (tie pin, cuff links, wristwatch, golden ring bands)
Traits: Appearance 2; Style 1

Height: 5'5"
Weight: 198 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Honey-brown
Hair: Short simple auburn-red
Clothing: White and blue archaic
Comportment/Cadence: Welcoming
Distinctions: Portly, red-cheeked and red-nosed fellow; 17th-century shopkeeper's attire kept colorful and fastidiously clean
Supernatural Qualities: Elfin-tipped ears, ready smile and laugh, flash of deliberate guile in his otherwise welcoming gaze
Accoutrements: Renaissance-era wooden actor's mask
Traits: Appearance 2; Style 1

"It's true, money can't buy you love. But you can rent it!"


Date of Birth: January 8th, 1979
Home: Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, New York City, New York, United States
Family: Paul and Myrtle Goddard (parents), Jan (older sister), Becca (older sister)
Chrysalis: External Supernatural Trigger (living in the famous Narrows House seemed normal to the boy until he got older; suddenly the Arts & Crafts architecture spoke to him in such a vivifying way that it sparked his hidden Boggan nature), 1991
Mentor: Ramzi Almira
The Test: Trial by Knowledge (as luck had it, the Chrysalid Boggan was discovered by a wandering Eshu who traveled worldwide to find fresh fae before Banality crushed their fledgling spirits; he taught Terry all he needed to know about the Kithain, introduced him to other commoners, and helped the local Boggans organize his Saining -- all after Terry proved that he knew the Escheat, of course)
Comrades: Skylar Lenz, Tariq Heller, Reuel Sackhoff
Key Event #1: Treachery (his parents tragically died in a car accident, unaware of his true nature, but left him the Narrows House in trust until adulthood; once he finished school, he immediately took over the house and, at Reuel's encouragement, transformed the spacious place into a halfway house for foster kids; he went to City College and studied social work as if he intended to follow his fellow Boggan's footsteps, but he began to admit only young women either transitioning from foster care to independent adulthood or out of county jail)
Key Event #2: Treachery (his affection for young ladies organically, beyond his guidance or expectation, grew into much more: many of those young ladies, not receiving any real guidance or help, turned to prostitution and frequently worked right out of their assigned dorm rooms in the Narrows House; he finally put his foot down and sorted the girls out with them working under his thumb, getting breaks on their rent costs, with no contract service to him but only a requirement to practice safe sex, and his promise -- with a show of bravado and to a few key girls faerie magic -- that he could and would keep them all safe)
Key Event #3: Personal Tragedy (despite his efforts, some girls "worked" outside the safety of his house and got hurt or went missing over the years, disheartening him against the open brothel approach, and he tamped down with a core set of loyal ladies)
Transition: Shift in Purpose (Terry considered using his faerie assets to seek out those missing girls, despite the unlikelihood of ever finding them, but Rosy fell into his lap and commanded his spare attention)


Magnitude: Terry can recall back to turn of the century
Details: The Roaring 20s occupy his memories, as if faerie life back then was entirely like The Great Gatsby; he less remembers his own life back then and more all the lovely airhead flapper girls he entertained


Names: Tina Elsey, Ursula "La-La" King, Linda Markle, Sara Misosky, Maggie "Mags" Ripley, Jessie Stu, Yvette Larson, Viviana "Vivi" Gonzalez, Michelle Hickery, Jamboree Yotes; Isabella Wrinkle
Roles: Prostitutes; Dreamer/Prostitute


Actor's Mask
Appearance: A Renaissance-era reproduction of the classic Greek stage mask: the happy or sad face
Origin: Inherent
Effects: Just a mask, but it does reflect his authentic mood broadly; e.g., fear, hate, anger, or sorrow would all show the sad face
Activation: He must simply hold it over his face. It only works for him.

Bunk Styles

Style: Social Butterfly
Examples: Make eye contact, rumor-mongering, rakish laugh

Significant Other

Name: Rosalynn Gentry; 2010
Nature: Erotic


Mac Daddy

Terry turned into the antithesis of the kind and welcoming Boggan (which Reuel fits better). While he's very protective of his girls, they're not his, as in chattel or property. He's encouraging their exploitation! It seems inevitable that little Rosy will fall into the same honeypot trap.

Likelihood of Corruption


Despite his Boggan "code of ethics", he's in truck with prostitution and sexual exploitation. He's already corrupt, and may attract far worse forces. Luckily, his little operation has gone way under the radar so far.


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