Bobby Bell
Dromean of the Darkwood

Satyr Grump
Gyr & Eyasses


Mortal mien: ~Bobby boasts a youthful charm combined with a manly air that feeds his prep boy attractive veneer. Short, curly black hair and a smooth complexion with the touch of olive suggests some Italian heritage, but Bobby is an all-American in his late 20s or early 30s. Bright brown eyes dance to nature’s rhythm (he would say your girlfriend’s heartbeat). He dresses in loose garments: usually a pair of dark cotton slacks and a simple vest or tank top. The light attire does little to hide his athletic physique. If he has footwear, he’s wearing sandals or flip-flops. He comes across as a frat king: lazy, easygoing, charming, and only semi-sober.~

OOC: Appearance 3

Fae form: ~As a Satyr, Bobby’s most noticeable feature are the sienna brown horns that jut from just above his forehead. Just over six inches long, they look painful to be gored by! But his generally pleasant atmosphere and attitude assures the unwary that he’d never, ever hurt a fly. Most of his human clothing vanishes. For voile, he sports only a white toga -- to symbolize his innocence, of course. What the toga doesn’t cover, thick black fur pretty much does. His legs, arms, and much of his torso and back is sheathed in this well-kept carpet. And of course, he boasts a pair of cloven, sienna brown hooves instead of shoes.~

OOC: Appearance 3

"Do you trust me? No, really. Do you trust me? Good. Hold on tight...”



The Bells were a successful family. Paul was a publishing company’s assistant editor in Chicago, and Farrah was a professional caterer. They were well-off, and could easily support the birth and growth of Robert Bell. Bobby grew up in a steady, loving family. His mother was Kinain and even she, from his early years, suspected his heritage. As a boy, Bobby was a proud athlete and runner. He was also a brazen bully, picking fights with people bigger and smaller alike. To temper that energy, Paul put Bobby in a kickboxing school.

Bobby also played soccer in grade school. His studies, while they never excelled, never did poorly either. He was an average student, which disappointed his father some. But his mother was always pleased with his performance. And Bobby was a happy boy. He knew he had a temper, but he had friends, too. He was unafraid and unabashed even in youth.

Chrysalis & Tutelage

So it was little shock to his mother when he was ten years old in 1986, the night before Halloween, that he…changed. The first fires of Devil’s Night had been lit and Bobby slipped out of suburbia to go see it alone. He saw the revelry of the rebel arsonists as they paraded down the street. Laughing, guided by a force he didn’t quite understand, the boy skipped down and joined them. Glamour swirled about the vigorous young changeling, and soon the rebellious youths were off partying instead of burning stuff.

But Bobby didn’t seem to react either way, skipping right on home. He was utterly blazing with life, overcome with feelings he didn’t understand, and blissfully ignorant of why he looked the way he did and didn’t seem to care. He was more than ready to accept his Satyr features. And it was his mother alone that helped him understand his change, his Chrysalis. She was educated enough in the ways of the Kithain, and had been preparing for this eventuality ever since she married.

Although she taught him how Satyrs are the dreams of passion and wild revelry, she didn’t break to him the news of their irrepressible lust. He was still a little young and was probably better off understanding it on his own. She encouraged him to continue his athletic activities in track’n’field, as well as pursuing kickboxing after school. But he was encouraged to also get involved with the school band to temper his qualities with some sort of art. So he took up the drums the next school year.

Early Years

Grade school became high school. Bobby never did have a proper “Saining”, growing up solely under the tutelage of his mother. The sexual aspects of Satyrdom he worked hard to develop on his own, indeed! He went through a new girlfriend every other month, and got more than one pregnant… Luckily, it would seem, in all three cases the young mothers miscarried. As a young wilder, Bobby learned to explore and harvest those very sexual passions in place of a “proper” Epiphany tutelage.

When he graduated high school, he was already very much prepared for university life. His well-off parents shipped him off to the University of Illinois. In his freshman year, he proceeded to start a whole new fraternity. His five year university career was, suffice to say, one huge party. To this day, he can’t remember his major. Of course, he eventually did earn a bachelor’s degree in physical education.

His final year of college is where Bobby finally met a fellow changeling, and a Satyr to boot. Kelly Topper was a lively young man and an accomplished trumpeter. He had been Sained ten years past and lived among the fae most of that time. So Kelly promised Bobby a life at the Opulence Hotel in downtown Chicago after they graduated. This was a five story hotel turned into a halfway house (as far as humanity is concerned), and was home to local fae of many colors.

Unsure of where to go next with his life, certain only that he wasn’t at all ready to “settle down”, Bobby took up the offer. Kelly and Bobby moved into the Opulence Hotel. Kelly went off to live his own life, giving Bobby only a few tips on faerie magic. That was fine with the Satyr. He was immersed in a world of changeling, meeting all sorts of Kithain in that commoner freehold. He even met an occasional Sidhe passing through.

However, for the most part, Bobby took the next few years in stride. He learned all that his mother could not teach. He fooled around quite a bit with other Satyrs and changelings, and spent a lot of time in the hotel. When he wasn’t in the hotel, he and his friends took camping trips out to the lake and woods. Bobby learned quite a bit about nature, about the fae, and about passion. He was just about ready to commit to this life when disaster struck.

To date, Bobby was still pretty clueless about just what happened. All he can remember were screams and fire. Flames swept through the halls of the Opulence Hotel and his friends shouted for him to flee. Everyone fled. He never found out who did it or why, but no one was seriously hurt. It was a blow to the Dreaming to be sure, but Bobby was a true changeling. He still felt too disconnected to start swearing Oaths of Vengeance over the event. Besides, he still didn’t want to age himself.

Recent Years

Nonetheless, Bobby knew his life in Chicago had run its course. He didn’t want to stay there anymore. Most of his friends felt the same, and were leaving -- all the more reason for him to go, too. He did some job research and learned of an opening for a track coach south, in Kansas City. With nothing left to fetter him in the Windy City, he bid his parents a warm farewell and went his way. They were glad to see him “grown up”, but Bobby had not accepted grumpdom yet! Moving to Kansas City, Missouri, Bobby began work at Central High School almost immediately. He looked forward to starting a new and exciting life: for change is good.

There at the high school, he encountered the love of his life. Though the Sidhe babe was young (too young by human standards), Corteney Teegan was a dream doll. Bobby fell madly in love and lust, both at the same time. The pair's relationship exploded so furiously that Bobby left his career for her, and she left high school. They moved into her disapproving aunt's freehold estate. There they looked to the future when they could spend all their time together forever. Corteney's aunt had other plans, however. Still, she could not stop Bobby from eloping with Corteney. They swore the Oath of True Hearts, and paved their way by love, passion, and romance.


Bobby doesn’t recall much from the Dreaming or of past incarnations. Occasionally, he gets a flashback of a distant time. These memories are usually brought on by heavy drinking; thus, he rarely remembers what he remembered.

Bunk Styles

Style: War & P.E.
Examples: Stomp feet 3 times, shadow-box, leap, spin around, run a lap, get limber, assume a fighting pose, have the best sex yet

Significant Other

Back in 2002, Lady Corteney Teegan was still a freshman in high school. Bobby was the new phys ed teacher. They spotted each other on the school grounds and it was lust at first sight. It was easy for Bobby to seduce the incredibly beautiful but innocent and naïve Corteney. The two reveled in a wild relationship built on great sex. Eventually, he convinced Corteney to drop out of high school and seek her degree in home school. That way, he could have her all to himself all the time. Indeed, he yearned for her so much he ultimately quit his job as phys ed teacher. He felt too distracted away from Corteney. Other women drew his Satyr eyes, not because he found them as attractive as Corteney, but because he couldn't get the girl off his mind…and was constantly horny! So he stayed at home with her all the time. Then the pair realized what they really wanted: a pocket-realm in the Dreaming where they could lock themselves away and make constant love forever. To do that, Corteney had to develop certain noble Arts. So the pair moved back to her aunt's freehold. Her aunt frowned greatly on her 'tryst' with a common Satyr and tried to break them up. But the two eloped in 2004 and were married in Hawai'i. Corteney's aunt was outraged, but the Oaths of True Love were sworn. These two were completely committed to each other, madly in love as well as lust. Nothing can break them apart, it seems!

So it seemed. In 2010, Corteney was pushed into the role under her aunt’s wing directly. Now a full-fledged countess, the Fiona was obligated to tend to her duties, and not just the Satyr. Bobby feared a conspiracy from her cruel and jealous aunt, and so backed away and kept his distance. But their romance continues, wanton and secret.


Significant Others

Also in 2010, the secret life he maintained with Countness Corteney roped her whole retinue into the fun. Her fellow Falcon Squad varsity cheerleaders began to join the Satyr and Sidhe. Corteney kept them on as Enchanted staff, and the poor girls have yet to realize how contracted their futures have yet become in the clutches of their fae lovers. Corteney's closest friends are Joey May Andor, Keisha Platts, Kelly Lasterman, Sui Yawen, Blossom Alvey, and the Sutherlander girls, Nessa, Mckinley, Alissa, and Ryleigh.

Joey May









"Above the Law"

While Bobby isn't much of a felon, he doesn't give much thought to the law. He just lives his life and if he breaks a law, fuck it! Naturally, he is not above the law. This lackadaisical attitude can get him into trouble.

Likelihood of Corruption


Bobby isn't an ignorant, fresh Chrysalid. He knows to stay away from the Shadow Court (and if necessary, Holly Strike the hell outta 'em) and the wicked among the Prodigals. His problem is simply that he's a Satyr in the most rakish sense of the Kith. He parties, he swings, and be damned tomorrow. If he's not more careful, tomorrow will damn him.


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