Sylvie Jobs
Gala of the Xanthous Glebe

Satyr Wilder
Volo Diem Trago


Height: 5'5"
Weight: 122 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Long simple brown
Clothing: Blue casual
Comportment/Cadence: Bashful
Distinctions: Seems like a pretty yet normal rural teenager
Supernatural Qualities: Hint of a smile at her lips suggests there's more than meets the eye
Accoutrements: Light jewelry
Traits: Appearance 4 (innocent)

Height: 5'7"
Weight: 127 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Long wild brown
Clothing: Brown leather vest, nothing more (brown fur covers her lower half)
Comportment/Cadence: Welcoming
Distinctions: Shamelessly adult saunter to her stride
Supernatural Qualities: Jailbait yummy
Accoutrements: Light jewelry; wildflowers tangled in her hair; a small book
Traits: Appearance 4 (innocent)

"You need some help? Hey, wait a minute...!"


Date of Birth: September 12th, 1997
Home: Saint Joseph, Missouri, United States
Family: Herbert and Dana Jobs (parents), Tommy (older brother), Fergus Jobs (uncle)
Chrysalis: Personal Tragedy (as a little girl, she started telling a lie that her big brother was molesting her, which got him in trouble until she confessed it was a lie, which landed her in residential psychiatric treatment for children for years; when she got out, her slightly older brother, now an emotional wreck himself, raped her -- except she discovered she didn't mind it at all, but to her horror afterwards, Tommy killed himself; the whirlwind of incestuous sex and death and emotional trauma shattered her mortal conceptions and years of therapy), 2009
Mentor: Fergus Jobs
The Test: Trial by Influence (her devastated parents nearly gave her up to the state after the rape-suicide, but her uncle -- secretly a Nocker faerie -- intervened and took her to life on his farm, proceeding to reveal what they were and what their faerie lives would entail, and she merely had to promise to behave for him)
Comrades: Fergus Jobs
Key Event #1: Treachery (her uncle was a hard-working farmer while she spent her time dawdling in isolation in her room, until he stumbled across her masturbating, and to her shock, he fell upon her, sparking a fiery incestuous relationship ever since)
Transition: Shift in Purpose (Sylvie decided to deliberately dwell in the wanton misery and shame, to own it and make it her power, her life, while doing what she could constructively with her lusty uncle on the farm)


Magnitude: She can remember back to the late era of the Interregnum
Details: A mulatto Satyress named Brown Bessie often flutters across her memory, full of independent strength and vigor


Erotic Tales Tome
Appearance: A thin pulp fiction-styled book
Origin: Inherent
Effects: Just an entertaining tale of debauchery
Activation: Read it like any other book. No, there are no pictures. You wish!

Bunk Styles

Style: Social Butterfly
Examples: Seductive ploy, sensuous dance, deliver a kiss, apply perfume, have the best sex yet

Significant Other

Name: Fergus Jobs; 2010
Nature: Erotic


Screwed-Up Rotten

Sylvie's been a mess her entire life, long before she even understood or knew what sexual activity was. Now, she's just a steaming mess of hormone-driven wantonness.

Likelihood of Corruption


She's, ahem, satisfied by her homebody life on the farm with just her uncle. They don't even have farmhands around (he's got plenty of machines to help with the work, and no, she hasn't thought about that...yet).


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