Wai Spriggs
Agonar of the Moonlit Coppice

Satyr Wilder
Volo Diem Trago


Mortal Seeming: ~Youth and vigor wrapped in a hybrid package: the Chinese-American swaggers with vivacious self-confidence. Wai Spriggs wears the usual attire of teenagers these days: brand-name jeans that hang low about the waist, expensive knits that enclose his lean upper body, and overpriced cross-training Nike sneakers. A black suede jacket often embraces his torso, too. Wai sweeps long-banged black hair back from a mildly slanted gaze. Those brown eyes blaze with a zest for life and partying. Wai boasts a strong, able-bodied frame, built for running. And that's often what he's up to: running here, running there. He's a handsome, magnetic young man with a great body and a tireless drive. Wai settle for anything less?~

OOC: Appearance 3; Animal Magnetism

Fae Mien: ~The human dream fades away to reveal the Satyr's true nature. Wai's upper body is clothed only in a loose vest boasting designs of dragons on the lapels. His lower body wears no attire, but the ink-black fur thickly conceals his lean, muscled legs from the waist down. Wai no longer wears shoes: dark-brown cloven hooves comport the Satyr from place to place. Slightly curved ears heed fawning compliments from "his ladies". Black hair grows shaggy, drifting over his handsome, boyish features. From his brow, through the Satyr's hair, protrude a pair of five inch goat-like horns. The black-rimmed horns curve back slightly above his head, matching Wai's darkened, primal gaze. In general, the adolescent seems more animalistic and energetic. But his playful smile and good-willed nature makes him a man, not a beast.~

OOC: Appearance 3; Animal Magnetism

"Some people run for money or exercise. Some people run just to run. I'm not so lofty. See those girls over there? That's where I'm running!"



Derry, Wai's father, was an Irish-American. His mother wasn't. Derry was a serviceman stationed in a Hong Kong consulate, and Mu Tan was a local girl with whom Derry fell in love. They had a son named Johnathan in 1982. Then a few years later, Derry's service ended. He joined a security corporation and they moved back to the States, to Derry's hometown of Kansas City. In 1988, they had their second son, named after Mu Tan's father: Wai. They rented a decent townhouse in the Chinatown district of Little Asia. Wai's father enjoyed his wife's homeland feel. Besides, Mu Tan's grandparents moved here.

And Wai was raised with multiple but not conflicting values. He learned to honor Buddha and Jesus Christ. Religion was never taken too seriously in the Spriggs' household, but its moral implications were passed on. Family values were emphasized in their home: love your parents and sibling. And Wai's mom gave her children good advice: to honor their true natures. Of course, she hoped it would help them get over any prejudice they would face as "half-breeds". And that it did. But it helped Wai more, and so ingrained was it that it helped him recognize his true nature.

By prepubescence, Wai was already growing fast. He began to show some serious hormone activities and began chasing girls before girls wanted to be chased. Of course, they still thought he was cute and fun. Wai was already shaping up to be a real "lady-killer". Plus, he proved to be quite the runner. He would make a fantastic track'n'field athlete in his coming years. Wai could outrun anyone he knew.


But those factors were just leading up to his Chrysalis. The blood of fae ran in his family. His older brother, who was by now in college, was not fae. Nor was Wai's father. But Wai carried that gift and it manifested in 2001, when he was thirteen. His Dream Dance began while running the 100-meter sprint for his track'n'field team. He heard the hoots of his friends and teammates. He saw the cheerleaders chanting and bouncing…and that drove him onwards, bulleting him to the finish line faster than he ever had before. Those girls were eying him up and he wanted them, too! And Wai won that race faster than everyone else by far.

After the meet, Wai kept running. He didn't go home. He raced into the woods, feeling supercharged with energy. He ran cross-country through the light forest near the school. And then to his shock, things emerged from the foliage and began to chase him! Strange giant, green lizards and horned bear-beasts leaped at him and chased him down the path. Wai looked down briefly, only to see that his sprinting limbs were covered in fur and ended with hooves! Terrified and weirded out now, Wai raced onwards, hoping he was just hallucinating somehow. Fortunately, the bright blaze of Glamour this Chrysalid exuded caught the attention of a group of fellow Satyrs in the woods. Four of them jumped from the woodwork (so to speak). Two grabbed Wai and pulled him to safety. The other two frightened off the chimerical beasts that chased the vulnerable Chrysalid.


Still freaked out, especially confronted by these weird faeries, the four Satyrs all had to help Wai calm down. They showed him a reflection of himself in a mirror. And they explained what they were: Satyrs, Kithain, faeries. To learn more about his true nature, he should come back and visit these Dionysians, as they called themselves, everyday after school. Wai considered it only briefly and agreed. So for an hour or two everyday after school for the next year or so, Wai met with Raffie, Hans, Bella, and Rita. Wai learned of the ways of the fae: the Escheat and their history. His fellow Satyrs put a bit of a slant on his education, too, as they tried to impress upon him the wickedness of all Sidhe. But Wai didn't buy it. He was too laidback to become hateful for crimes he didn't remember, like the Night of Iron Knives. Wai accepted everything else they offered, of course, including the occasional romp with Bella or Rita who were both over five years his senior.

After the traditional one year, the Dionysians tested Wai to be Sained, so he could be recognized as a full-fledged member of fae society. So Raffie and Hans tested Wai on his knowledge of Kithain rules and history and his wisdom in their interpretation. Wai was also tested on his endurance, first in a race against his fellow Satyrs. Then he had to prove how virile he was by making love to Bella and Rita both for hours each. When morning came, he still had not collapsed. He was considered a Dionysian by his fellow Satyrs and acknowledged as a "man". He Named himself simply as Wai -- why not? And then the Satyrs all partied together all night long, inviting all the local Kithain. Many attended the revelry and Wai enjoyed great times all day long. Of course, that was part of his test, too! But he never once really tired and stopped partying. He kept at it 24 long hours.

Teen Spirit

Despite their requests, Wai voiced no desire to retreat to a primitive way of life in the woods with the Dionysians. He wanted to complete school and go to college! But he promised to keep in touch with them. They ultimately moved onto other kingdoms, unfortunately. But Wai met other fae in the area when he visited the Italian restaurant on weekends, Trajo Fair, which was actually a commoners' freehold hearth. Meanwhile, Wai attended high school. He focused on schoolwork and especially on track'n'field athletics. He honed his body further and further.

And when it came to his peers, he attracted many a young lady. The Satyr had no difficulty in seducing teen girls, sleeping with many a schoolgirl and cheerleader over the next couple years. He became like a "romantic hero", a real Don Juan, stealing girlfriends from philistine jocks, wooing them well and romancing them sweetly. Of course, this did not endear him to his gender. More than once, a gang of high school jocks or ruffians cornered the young track star. Usually, he just ended up with empty death threats and a slug to the belly. Once, Wai did get beat up, and he tried his best to defend himself. Even after waking up with a pounding headache, Wai didn't intend to become as violent as those jealous tirds. He did wrestle with the desire to play nasty pranks on the jerks with his faerie magic. But Wai kept those whims in check and kept on having a good time. Wai was eager to push himself to the max and earn a nice scholarship to college. He looked forward to those fraternity parties!


Wai can only snatch snippets of dreams that remind him of past lives. His previous incarnations were exciting loves filled with natural drama. Wai remembers that he always sought beautiful truths, like love. And while he never found true love, he always lived a content life. He intends to repeat this previous incarnations' trend of closing in on his ultimate goals of finding true romance and bringing light to the lives of other people.


Mists of the Sea
Level: 3
Origin: An ancient heirloom, this chimerical talisman dates back to Wai's possession for countless incarnations. He doesn't even remember where he got it, but suspects it was a gift from a mermaid.
Description: This is a necklace of coral inlaid with mother-of-pearl made for a woman but can be worn by a man (and comes off as a half-choker).
Effects: 1) Veiled Eyes (** Chicanery)
Glamour Costs: Necklace: 0; #1: 1
Activation: Touch and hold the necklace while the magic is to be in effect.

Bunk Styles

Style: War & P.E.
Examples: Run a lap, get limber, do a backflip, leap, stomp feet 3 times, give a massage, have the best sex yet

Significant Other

Wai didn't expect one of his teachers in high school to be one of the hottest babes around. More to the fact, he didn't expect such a hot woman to go for a youth like him. But Cho Asukai surprised the young Satyr by responding to his come-on's. In short time, the two were fucking like bunnies. Wai was overjoyed that he discovered such a lusty young woman to appease his desires. When he Enchanted her, she revealed to him her true nature, as Nyan. No wonder she was so easy! Of course, these two are hardly committed to each other (and children are out of the question). But they know where their bread is buttered. When trysts get boring, they always have each other to offer infinite entertainment. Cho began teaching at the community college, and the off-and-on again college student got to see his sexy feline dream-girl every day that he remembered to go to class.


Significant Other

Wai met Lily Sidgheal in spring of 2008. A friendly conversation turned into unadulterated passion. No doubt it was in part due to Lily’s Fiona heritage. The Sidhe Kinain is a lovely girl, and Wai tries hard not to break her heart. He’d rather inspire her to the perfection with which she was virtually born. On October 3, 2010, Lily gave birth to their first child: Brooke Sidgheal-Spriggs. For these two children of the Dreaming and their lively daughter, there is only joy.

That joy ended two months later around Yule. Lily and Brooke vanished without a word or trace. Wai searched, quested, and came up dry. No one knew what happened to them, and a dark fear pierced his heart that someone -- something -- terrible took them.


Conflicting Desires

On one hand, Wai wants to romance and find true love the Seelie way. But on the other, the young Satyr dives into bed with every good sex opportunity he finds. He better find a healthy balance if he's ever going to get what he really wants. His indiscretions will catch up with him soon enough.

Likelihood of Corruption


Despite his promiscuity, Wai is a fairly straight shooter. He isn't into drugs or hard drinking. He'll party hard now and then but not regularly. Spiritually, he's a fairly fresh changeling. But the Mists tend to keep him distanced from most wicked spirits. The Kithain have their own devils to plague them anyway.


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