Vashti Melchior
Raqqa of the Whispering Alcazar

Eshu Grump
Minstrel of House Videll
Mistress of the Raqs Sharqi


Mortal Seeming
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 130 lb.
Ethnicity: Middle Eastern
Eyes: Starry-black
Hair: Long simple black
Clothing: White and blue-denim casual
Comportment/Cadence: Confident
Distinctions: This beautiful lady commands the regal poise of either a queen or dancer or both, and it's evident also in the fluid grace that characterizes her langorous stride; the exotic woman appears Persian or otherwise Central Asian, though favors common if stylish dress women wear casually in the West, yet the thickness of her accent suggests she's a fairly recent immigrant, while she favors a lot of jewelry, including unusual pieces like belly chains and hand flowers; Vashti's easy smile disarms any concern of her heritage or the oddity of her eyes
Supernatural Qualities: Those eyes: so dark brown as to be considered black, and the pupils seemingly glint like stars within, especially when she's caught in shade and her gaze is silhouetted; but to some, especially fellow Eshu, she is very much some sort of princess or close to it, her bearing as unique to and part of her as her Seeming
Accoutrements: Moderate jewelry
Traits: Appearance 5 (exotic); Style 3; Royal Lineage 4; Changeling's Eyes

Fae Mien
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 130 lb.
Eyes: Starry-black
Hair: Long simple black
Clothing: White and blue-denim casual
Comportment/Cadence: Confident
Supernatural Qualities: Those eyes: so dark brown as to be considered black, and the pupils seemingly glint like stars within, especially when she's caught in shade and her gaze is silhouetted; but to some, especially fellow Eshu, she is very much some sort of princess or close to it, her bearing as unique to and part of her as her Seeming; with her ears sweeping back like some kind of exotic Sidhe, she seems all the more aristocratic in this, her true fae form; her voile shifts to a casual black and form-fitting knit tunic while the rings and chains she wears only seem to glitter brighter; a steady breeze often sweeps up the older Eshu's dark hair and inspires that rakish smile that wins over the hearts of men and kings
Accoutrements: Moderate jewelry
Traits: Appearance 5 (exotic); Style 3; Royal Lineage 4

"Dance is a language all its own and its words are power."


Date of Birth: September 4th, 1978
Home: Irvine, California, United States
Family: Hamid and Nikou Melchior (parents), Fariba (younger sister)
Chrysalis: Preordainment (her parents immigrated from Iran before she was born but she was raised in a bilingual household; she always faced racism, even in "liberal" California; she embraced the raqs sharqi both out of cultural and "racial" pride but as an escape; her Chrysalis dawned gradually when she was on a long road trip of a dance tour cross-country), 1992
Mentor: Razieh Tajik
The Test: Trial by Influence (she vanished from that road trip and started wandering instinctively on her own on the outskirts of Eugene, where she ran into another Eshu serendipitously; that Wilder was happy to help mentor the Chrysalid and give her proper instruction and her Saining)
Comrades: Marcus Bond, Kara Garrity, Angelique Roe, Tyrone Signes, Landon Devereux, Nuala Brennon
Key Event #1: Awe & Wonder (she parted ways affably and continued on her own, performing for commoner mews and noble courts alike as a belly dancer and Scheherazade-styled storyteller)
Key Event #2: Treachery (she traveled the world doing this, in fact, until she reached her homeland, whereupon she was arrested by VAJA and forced to work for them as a spy on NATO military bases in North Africa upon threat of death)
Key Event #3: Treachery (reluctantly, she performed this role until her final contact received no acknowledgement; fearing betrayal at worst and that she'd been unofficially fired and possibly scheduled for "loose end termination", she scrammed out of the Old World back to the New)
Transition: Shift in Nature (she settled in the New Orleans area and laid low there, where she once more continued her fae life; she connected with a Gwydion prince "on sabbatical" and the two hit it off quite romantically; she helped him keep grounded and he kept her safe, serving him as his personal bard, minstrel, muse, and advisor)


Magnitude: Vashti enjoys a blessed memory reaching back nearly to the Shattering.
Details: Like many Eshu, she knows she spent the many centuries and past incarnations wandering all over the world. She also recalls that she frequently entertained freeholders who were once predominantly commoners, though she also recalls the location of a few Oba lords and perhaps even where their oases of Glamour could be found...


Appearance: A curved single-edged dagger of iron with a bronze hilt, with an ornate jeweled sheath.
Origin: Inherent


Mark of Zurvan
Appearance: A tattoo of a circular object with an arrangement of dots and a flowing line symbolizing water that crosses beneath each level of dots, depending on the magic.
Origin: Inherent
Effects: Per Chronos 3, it enables her to hasten her own time (for extra actions per turn).
Activation: Each level of the tattooed water clock represents how much Glamour the Tattoo currently has charged; full charge has 4 charges. It requires one night of absorbing Glamour from a freehold to recharge a level.


Names: Aida Riahi, Hasana Faris
Roles: House Servants (Dreamers)

Bunk Styles

Style: Arts & Crafts
Examples: Belly dance, recite Persian poetry, seductive winks

Significant Other

Name: Marcus Bond, 2005
Nature: Romantic

Prince Marcus

Fit Only For Royalty

Vashti knows her own worth and she will not settle. Of course, she's not smitten with Marcus because of his rank or Kith. But she would also not lower herself otherwise. She's not just Eshu but of the highest breeding, a queen in her own right.

Likelihood of Corruption


She has her conceits and problems, but she's a good person and hangs around only with good people.


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